SO Many Things
So much is happening… because, of course it is, right around the holidays.
This is really making me re-think my release schedule for Book 3… I was planning for November 2022, but maybe I should shoot for October, instead…
Anyway! The Cover Reveal for Chosen is 3 December! I’m so excited to share this one… it’s so pretty! So story-appropriate, too!
I really love working with the cover artist I’ve got now. She’s a good communicator, she’s into what I’m doing and she has great ideas for the covers. Highly recommend: The Graphics District.
In other news, I got Parts 1 and 2 back from the editor and I’m really happy with how Chosen is coming. I’m also happy to say it’s significantly less complicated than Becoming. Well… significantly might be an overstatement – I’m not done writing it yet. But it’s coming so smoothly now!
I bit the bullet on Chosen, too, so it’s up for Pre-Order on Amazon... release is set for 19 April 2022.

I’m also still doing the Giveaway for subscribers to my newsletters.
Which I have two drafted – December and January. So that’s awesome! Those things really take a lot of time to do!
Hmmm… what else. I should have made a list…
Oh that’s right! I did Bookapalooza2021 on FB… which was nerve-wracking. I had sweaty palms and everything! Jesus, you’d think I’m not used to presenting. But it was a brand new thing for me, so I guess some anxiety is understandable.
Ok. That’s all I’ve got for today. Back to writing.