Adrienne Steele

Romance like Coffee
The Nasaru of Earth Series

The Nasaru of Earth Series

A couple notes, first.

The Nasaru of Earth is a sci-fi romance trilogy featuring a whole host of all-too-human winged immortals as they fight to save the Earth from a swarm of planet-destroying aliens.

With this series, I’m excited to write my own version of kick-ass heroines – ladies who’ve got their shit together (for the most part), mature (well… are any of us, really?), comfortable with their sexuality, and ready for whatever life is going to throw their way.

Most of these ladies don’t align with the industry standard 20-something Savior of the World you see nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, though… they’re gonna try to save the world.

They just have a little more confidence, a little more experience… a little more “I’m not here to take your shit” attitude. And I think we can all agree that it doesn’t matter how much you’ve got you’re shit together when life decides to throw you a curveball.

Or a complicated man (or two… or three, hey!) that you have to negotiate a relationship with.

So, yeah, my ladies might think they’re ready for anything. But when you’re living for millennia, charged with the protection of an entire planet, and dealing with relationships

Maybe not?

It’s recommended to read the series in order:

  • Sabine: A Nasaru of Earth Anthology
  • Becoming
  • Chosen
  • Judged
  • Hunted (release 2023)
  • Forgiven (release TBD)
  • Ascended (release TBD)

Inanna and Ashur are Nasaru, ancient beings sent to Earth to fight off the Etu Daku, a swarm of planet-destroying aliens. Fighting with them are the Chosen: humans who have been transformed into winged immortals, powerful… but still, all too human.

Sabine: Their Bloody Queen; a Nasaru of Earth Novella

Sabine, Their Bloody Queen, is a prequel novella to the Nasaru of Earth series, following Inti, Menewa and Sabine in a “meet-cute” story involving an abduction, a bloody rescue, some minor torture, and a fair amount of life-altering changes for my favorite trio.

Ahhh so pretty!!

A captured queen.

A pair of unmoored Chosen.

A vision of blood and breathless wonder.

Sabine is trapped. Caught by her enemies and tied to a stake. Ready for torture, she’s unprepared for what she finds instead.

Golden feathers, piercing dark eyes; a pair of Chosen, one a gleaming sun, the other a shadow. This night might have taken a turn for the surreal, but Sabine knows what to do:

Grab this opportunity with both hands and see where it goes.

Inti’s been looking for their Bloody Queen for centuries, and here she is, laid out like an offering.

Menewa isn’t convinced, but… she does look tempting.

This night is full of surprises for all three of them, though, and the beginning of a journey into eternity.

Heads Up:

  • Recommended for 18+.
  • Content warnings: violence, blood and blood-play, gore, graphic injuries, torture and death.

Becoming, Book 1 of The Nasaru of Earth

I Love This Cover.

After a shocking betrayal by Ashur, Inanna left to Become, a process of seemingly endless reincarnations that will give her the strength necessary to fight the approaching Etu Daku swarm. In the meantime, Inanna’s Chosen, Shamash, has been waiting for Inanna’s return for over five thousand years. His Goddess, the only woman he’s ever loved. The only woman to bring him to his knees.

Inanna’s Becoming is nearly complete, her final form that of Natalie, a young human. A human whose frail body cannot contain the power that Inanna now commands. So Inanna pushes Natalie to meet with Shamash to transfer the rising power, allowing Inanna’s consciousness to subside once more, until she can rise in her true form as Earth’s Guardian at Natalie’s death.

Natalie is only now realizing just who she’s been sharing her head with for this past year – Inanna, the immortal Goddess. A being so powerful she could tear the world in half.

A being that hasn’t touched her lover in more than five thousand years, and it shows.

Reluctantly, Natalie agrees to meet with Shamash, a decision that will trigger a whirlwind of changes.

For her.

For Inanna and Shamash.

And for the rest of the world.

Heads Up:

  • There’s a cliffhanger.
  • Recommended for 18+.
  • Content warnings: violence, blood and blood-play, gore, graphic injuries, and death.

Chosen, Book 2 of The Nasaru of Earth

Oh noes! What happened to Cassandra?

After his failed coup attempt against his cohort, Inanna, Ashur’s been lying low for more than five thousand years. An utterly boring existence until about five hundred years ago, when one of the Chosen discovered a chilling secret:

The Etu Daku are here – now – their attempts to infest the Earth with transformed humans an inexplicable tactic the Nasaru have never faced before.

And Ashur is about to break the mystery wide open… he just needs a little more time. Time he’s demanded from Inanna, taking her newest Chosen as his hostage.

But Cassandra is more than Ashur bargained for.

Stabbed to death and now abducted, Cassandra’s had a rough week, but she won’t let that keep her down. Determined to keep her wits about her as she figures out her new place in the world, she’s not about to let some (blazingly hot) ancient immortal hold her back.

Chosen by Inanna, Cassandra has been transformed into a winged immortal – literally the world’s biggest upgrade – and if Ashur thinks she’s going to sit in the background and look pretty, he’s in for a surprise.

Flames ignite as these two collide, but the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Will they be able to work together to solve the Etu Daku’s mysterious infestation?

Heads Up:

  • There’s a cliffhanger.
  • Recommended for 18+.
  • Content warnings: violence, blood, gore, graphic injuries, reference to sexual assault, abduction, and death.

Judged, Book 3 of The Nasaru of Earth

Why you so mean to him, tho?

The time for Ashur’s Judgment has come. But Cassandra, the commitment-phobic Chosen he’s trying to claim as his own, wouldn’t let him stand alone.

Now she’s unconscious in his arms, still healing from her run-in with the Primum Frater, a human group being used by the Etu Daku to further their infestation on Earth.

An infestation bigger than Ashur had thought, bigger than any of them could conceive. Now he and Inanna must mobilize their cadre of Chosen to fight an enemy they’ve never seen.

A cadre of strangers – to Inanna and Ashur, as well as each other.

A group of spoiled immortals, powerful and violent, who were left to their own devices for millennia.

Can Inanna and Ashur set aside their differences and pull their fractured Chosen together in time to defeat their nemesis? Or will they fail, and lose the world they call home?

Heads Up:

  • Recommended for 18+.
  • Content warnings: references to past sexual assault, violence, blood and blood-play, gore, graphic injuries, reference to past sexual assault, and death.

Hunted: Book 4 of The Nasaru of Earth

Hunted is available for Pre-Order now on Amazon. Release is scheduled for May, 2024.

Tuma and Andes!

It’s no longer clear: Are Ashur, Inanna and their Chosen the predators?

Or are they the prey?

Their first strike against the Etu Daku infestation – and the human Primum Frater group aiding it – is an Epic Fail.

Inanna and Ashur are left scrambling to reach Cassandra’s group in Marrakesh, before they lose another Chosen, or more. The rest of their cadre are scattered across the globe.

Yul’s team is recovering at his Temple in Kazakhstan, where Michael holds his vigil over Hedeon’s dead body.

Anylese’s team is making their way to Italy, their investigation uncovering nothing but strife between the Chosen in her group.

Andes’ group in Argentina have split up to follow the leads they found deep in the rainforest of Chile. Leads that are looking more and more like a trap.

Inanna ordered Tuma – the first Chosen – to watch Andes, one of the youngest in her cadre.

But Andes can’t help but wonder, is that the only reason he’s become her shadow?

Heads Up:

  • Recommended for 18+.
  • Content warnings: violence, blood and blood-play, gore, graphic injuries, and death.